My name is alexa I am not an alcoholic; I am a fragrance freak instead

How did it all start? In fact, I became a perfume lover only a few months ago. Before that, I didn’t pay attention to which perfume I was wearing at all. I was simply gifted bottles (of perfume of course).

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Later, I realized that it is not a way to go. I ended up wearing fragrances that I didn’t really like. When things got worse, I used them as bathroom fresheners, the sooner they finish the better. Luckily somehow, it hit me! “I must stop with this nonsense and treat myself with more caution.” I am a big girl now and it is just about time to develop my own “perfume taste”; to establish what I like and what I don’t like; and discover a scent that fits right in with my personality and lifestyle. And guess what! I found out that there is much more to a perfume than I could ever imagine. Let the search for my signature scent begin …

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