Viva la Juicy Juicy Couture

Who wouldn’t know Vila la Juicy! I personally don’t know a person who dislikes the scent. It’s just so likable, like a perfume next door everyone wants to befriend. Let’s get back to basics: It’s a sweet gourmet white floral fragrance. Apart from white floral, citrus and berries, you will find honey or pralines. The composition sounds overembellish but together, it makes up a harmonious sexy fragrance. Suitable for chill out weekends, dating, shopping fevers … anytime when you want to feel cheerful, sexy and feminine. Does it last all day? Not really but to the point it lasts, it’s amazing.

Is there simply no room for a sticky and sweet scent on your dressing table? Then make some room for Vila la Juicy and make it fast! There’ll be no regrets, I promise. 70/100

@all: Did you think that you wouldn’t “survive” sweet but Vila la Juicy is the only perfume that you put up with?

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