Monthly Archives: March 2021

Reve d’Escapade Givenchy


Reve d’Escapade was a limited edition sold at airports worldwide; so, unfortunately, you can’t get your hands on it any more. Its collection brother Un Air d’Escapade is also discontinued, but at least still available on sites like eBay or Amazon. But it is not quite the same.

I was lucky to be gifted a miniature Reve d’Escapade from my mother in law and absolutely fell in love with this fragrance. It is a beautiful rich peachy rose with woodsy notes and incense. It can be compared to Donna by Trussardi due to its fullness and creaminess; however, Reve d’Escapade is rosier and without white flowers. The mixture is blended splendidly, the perfumer certainly did a great job. As the name suggests, it is truly an escape to a dream. I am devastated I cannot buy this perfume anymore. It could very well be my signature scent.

Creamy thanks to peach, edgy thanks to sparkly rose, warm and mysterious thanks to incense. A masterpiece! 100/100

Truth or Dare Madonna


Madonna wanted to create a scent that carries a memory of her mother yet in a modern and vampy way. Her perfumer of choice Stephen Nilsen created a mixture of white flowers, together with warm musk, amber and vanilla; and he did well. It smells yummy bubblegummy. If you like tuberose and gardenia softened with vanilla, you are their customer. It’s in the alley of Michael Kors signature; however, doesn’t quite reach Michael’s complexity, sophistication and uniqueness. Nevertheless, with its strong sillage and projection, it makes a solid celebrity fragrance. It’s been out there for a while and now, it’s been discontinued, so if you want a bottle, you’d better harry up.

A sweetened strong Oriental Floral with boldness and nostalgia at the same time. 50/100

Stella Eau de Toilette Stella McCartney

When I first sprayed Stella Eau de Toilette, it almost made me feel nauseous. Like if there was something off and strange about the perfume. I went to check the bottle code on Cosmetic Calculator to make sure it’s not outdated. Everything was fine.

I usually love citrus openings but in Stella, it is way too sharp, fizzy and sour. Luckily, the opening lasts only a few minutes and then it tones down to violet and rose. I have definitely smelled this citrus-rose-amber combo before and in a “better shape”. This one is neither good nor bad, something in between. You won’t get a huge lasting power out of it, which does not bother me though as it is eau de toilette.

Importantly, I remember the exact day when I wore this scent. It was Friday 5 February 2021 and my baby was due. My water broke and I called my husband and we rushed to the hospital. Our baby was born in four hours. Although the fragrance aroma was gone by then (of course), I will always remember what I was wearing that day.

“Smells are attached to certain periods in our lives”, they say and we should always think about that. The sense of smell is sacred. It enables us to live our lives to our fullest potential possible. As Christopher Brosius says “Scent is life” and I could not agree more.

Is Stella Eau de Toilette life? In my memory, yes, but you can certainly find a deeper and more intoxicating “breath”. 40/100