Midnight Fantasy: Dark Fruit Salad with Vanilla

Midnight Fantasy by Britney Spears
Floral Fruity
Caroline Sabas

I cannot believe this perfume was launched the same year I got my high school diploma – in 2006. It was released only one year after the mega-successful original Fantasy. Unlike me, many Britney fans did not sleep on it. Shamefully, I got my nose on it only recently. I am sure I have the reformulated version as it is not as strong and long-lasting as other perfume addicts describe; and most importantly, there are no crystals around the neck of the bottle.

Anyway, the juice itself is reminiscent of Christina Aquilera’s scent from 2007. Fruity vanilla. Except Midnight Fantasy is juicier, projects more and lasts longer. There is a fruity top containing mainly cherry and plum, a touch of flowers barely detectable and then vanilla, amber and musk.

It is good for what it is. Designed for a younger audience, suits young wearers pretty well. As you would expect, men like it on women. It is simple, sweet, and likeable.

I do not necessarily see Midnight Fantasy as a night-time or a clubbing fragrance. It is not very potent. You can put it on out and about anytime. I will definitely use up my 30ml bottle but I am not planning on repurchasing. I think that Britney’s fragrances had their time; and unfortunately, so does Britney. If she changed her style, music and produced more sophisticated perfumes, it would be a different story. I think there is still a chance.

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