Rivière Thameen: Ambivalent Leather

Rivière by Thameen
Amber Spicy
Julia Rodriguez Pastor

Rivière is a strong leather fragrance, definitely male oriented, with hints of saffron and black pepper. On a man’s man, it can actually be quite sexy. Only few women could pull this off. It’s Britney bitch, work bitch. That type of vibe.

If you like your hefty leather, it is a good piece. But not as pure and precious as Falcon Leather by Matiere Premiere. Falcon Leather is a different story. I do not know any other leather which could top that. Although combined with florals, the combination of leather and aromatics like sage and black pepper makes Rivière rough and masculine.

Rivière is not a bottle I would consider buying for myself and to be honest, for my husband or any other man in my family. I simply believe there are other leathers on the market that are carnal, clean and addictive in comparison to Rivière. I am very particular with leather and this British leather did not steal my heart.  

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