Insignia: Larger Than Life

Insignia by Thameen
Alexandra Carlin

Insignia smells like a fig dropped in whiskey. It also has bitter nuances from orange peel and bay leaf. The creaminess of fig is amplified by a generous dosage of sandalwood. There are suede and vetiver in the base which make the fragrance unnecessary deep, aromatic and masculine. It is darker than Gris Charnel Extrait by David Benedek, just for your reference.

It has the English gentlemen club, leather seating, cigar and whiskey vibe. If the perfume had a color, it would be brown. If it had an ideal season, it would be fall. Although there is sweetness to it, I cannot image an ordinary woman rocking it. Only a middle-aged woman looking for a romantic relationship with a younger man. She is bold, goes to a bar and has a goal. She is irresistible.

Anyway, I could not wear this fragrance. Would I want to sniff it on my man? I am afraid not. The whiskey, sweetness and herbs are too much even from the distance; however, I must admit, it is a bomb of a fragrance. If you are looking for a damn strong quality stuff, if you are direct and dauntless, try Insignia. You may like it.

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