Flora Gorgeous Jasmine: Rich Scented Shampoo

Flora Gorgeous Jasmine by Gucci
Alberto Morillas

Floral Gorgeous Jasmine represents a young waxy green jasmine. The smell is citrusy and bright, reminds me of the scent of pure jasmine green tea. It is an almost childish linear uncomplicated jasmine forward perfume. It smells like a bottle of hydrating shampoo. Not particularly sexy, just clean and happy. It definitely falls into the grab and go optimistic scents category when you want to smell nice without overthinking it. A solid fragrance to middle or high school, running errands etc.

I like my jasmine slightly more indolic, little bit dirtier and mysterious. Flora Gorgeous Jasmine does not satisfy my jasmine cravings in this respect. It is too expected. Nevertheless, to give it some extra points, the lasting power and projection are actually great. The fragrance lingers over its wearer pretty confidently for a significant time. Kudos for that!

So, overall, if you do not have a luminous jolly clear jasmine in your collection and you are a young girl or at least young in heart, FGJ is worth trying. It would be hard to find someone who is repulsed by the aroma.

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