Tag Archives: Decadence perfume review

Decadence Marc Jacobs

Decadence is a powdery and somewhat dark perfume. The idea is to make a more mature fragrance in comparison to other Marc Jacobs’s treasures like Daisy and co. And it works! It doesn’t evoke youth and joy in any way.

Nonetheless, I’m still confused by Decadence. I can’t recognize which time of the day  Decadence is suitable for. It’s too heavy and powdery for the daytime and too flat and spark-less for the nighttime. I’d say that it’s ultimately a nighttime fragrance, however, It’s missing here an edge or sex appeal.

Decadence represents a change, bold move, ground break. If it was its only purpose, it’d work perfectly fine but the scent doesn’t have this sole goal. As a perfume, it’s practicality from day to day goes steeply down. 20/100