Tag Archives: Lush bestselling perfume

Karma Lush

Karma is a Citrus Aromatic unisex perfume. The opening is distinctive, sharp and lemony. You get a hint of spices, sweetness and earthiness. It is a unique and unexpected smell for a fragrance. It has the vibes of a mysterious, spiritual shop with toy witches, voodoo dolls and crystal balls. It’s definitely a pleasant scent but then you think, do I really want to smell like that? Does it reflect who I am, my mood and personality well? The truth is it’s not for everyone and not for every day for sure. You and Karma must either click very well or simply be in the mood for it. It’s also worth mentioning that it’s quite woody and aromatic, almost like a male colon; so if you prefer typically female fragrances, you may not like it. The projection is weaker, lasting power okay; the dry-down though is surprisingly beautiful – warm, cosy, somewhat therapeutical. And this is when I truly loooove this scent.

You either have an instant connection with Karma or it is a definite miss for you. Into which category do you fall? 70/100