Tag Archives: Mancera’s fragrance collection

Tonka Cola: A Sweet Delight from Mancera

Tonka Cola by Mancera
Amber Spicy

Tonka Cola is the first fragrance from Mancera I do enjoy. I love Cola-Cola with lemon and Tonka Cola is that, and much more.

So it has cherry, nutmeg, cola and lemon – all my favorite notes in one pot. It is a massive projector and definitely cuts through the cold. The fragrance is warm and comfortable at the same time, nothing intrusive nor offensive. It can be pulled off by perfume beginners. The lasting power is amazing too.

Tonka Cola is a nice surprise by this Middle Eastern house and I feel that many people sleep on it. Beware Instant Crush though. That one really did not vibe with me, but the rest, give it a go and for your opinion. Mancera is a niche house with novelty fragrance which are not going to break you bank. French Riviera next time? Maybe. We will see.