Tag Archives: Nice girl perfume Viva La Juicy Noir

Viva La Juicy Noir: A Femme Fatale? No, a Sweet Girl!

Viva La Juicy Noir by Juicy Couture
Floral Fruity Gourmand

Viva La Juicy Noir (2013) is a flanker of the original Viva La Juicy from 2008. They are related yet different enough worth collecting both if you are a Juicy Couture fan.

The Noir version has a hefty dose of wild berries that you can really get in the initial blast. It is a fruitier and happier fragrance than the OG. The praline is missing but the sweetness is very much detectable partially from honeysuckle and gardenia and of course from a caramel and vanilla combo which brings out the gourmand side of the scent.

If you lust after sweet fruity perfumes, particularly with wild berries, you are going to be pleasantly surprised. It is an uplifting playful fragrance that has a sexiness to it. Not necessarily for the night-time, although the name Noir is suggesting savage orgies. I personally prefer this version to the OG or the Gold edition. It is fruitier, juicier and the sweetness is toned down.

Because it is composed around the fruity aspects, do not expect a great performance. It simply does not have the power the yummier Viva La Juiciest have. Some frag heads say Viva La Juicy is our guilty pleasure I say an ideal fragrance for girls and women when you are not going anywhere formal. Plus you can get it heavily discounted.