Tag Archives: Niche coconut fragrances

Blue Heart: Futuristic Industrial Minimalism

Blue Heart By Thameen

The first thing that comes to my mind when I am sniffing Blue Heart is UNIQUE. It has this unusual opening of spicy saffron weirdly combined with milky and quite stuffy coconut. It all mixes with iris and aromatic “jungle like” cypriol oil.

I feel that Blue Heart can go both ways. You either get more of the sweet and heavy coconut side of the fragrance, or the woody aromatic cologny almost masculine side. From my experience the coconut does not fade away but stays throughout the entire olfactory experience. It is freshen up with the earthy and woody parts a little bit; yet, mostly it is about the cold standoffish coconut which is in the way.

Words like grey ,industrious and organised come to me when I smell Blue Heart. I do not think it is necessarily a bad fragrance. At the same time, if I had it in my collection, would I wear it? Probably not often. It is the type of fragrance you have to be in a mood for because it is so different and unexpected. I feel that if you put it on the wrong moment, it can turn your stomach.

This perfume is tricky. It does not fool around, it has a serious presence. I have a feeling this will be a polarizing scent in within the frag community because as being said, it can go either way – great or terribly wrong.