Tag Archives: perfume reminds me of my mother

Motherhood and fragrances: Let the magic happen!

At the beginning, motherhood and fragrances do not go together; but later on, they can become our motherly dark horse. Are you asking how is that possible? Keep on reading.

At the early stages of motherhood, wearing a fragrance is not recommended because babies need to get used to the natural smell of their mother. They are very receptive and this is how they recognize their mother and feel safe. An artificial aroma could also discourage them from being breast fed or irritate their soft skin. It is the best to be fragrance free for that magical period of time. I live for fragrance but believe me, it is well worth it.


The time for a perfume comes soon though. Once the baby is not a baby anymore, at least a toddler or a child, we can set up a new routine. Something light and daytime is ideal for a start. What is more, a bottle of perfume can even enhance our motherly image. People tend to remember how their mother smelled when they were little and they cherish the memories once they get older.


They remember the bottle and every time they smell the fragrance, it reminds them of their loving mother. It immediately brings them back to their childhood, when their mother was young, how she smelled and smiled gently. Scents are very powerful and we should not underestimate them. Once/if you have children, think about what fragrance you wear and what message and feelings you want to get across. It is very likely that your kids will remember.

Anyway, be patient, enjoy your babies as much as you can. The time will come and once it does, you can create valuable memories for your kids with your perfume. Just let the magic happen.

@all: What perfume did your mother wear?